Monday, May 4, 2015

Amish Recipes vs. Modern Day Cooking

Many of the conveniences that we've come to depend on today aren't found in Amish homes. Instead, they still use items that were found in America’s 19th century or earlier homes. For instance, they use wood or coal fueled stoves for heat and kerosene or clear gas lamps for light. Their cooking stoves are also different. They're powered by propane, kerosene or wood.
Sango - Amish Country Round Covered Vegetable - One World, Flowers, People Center
Amish meals are beautifully served. 

The Special Ingredient in Amish Cooking

Amish cooking is also different, in a special kind of way. There's nothing really "puzzling" about it. Instead, it's simply "grandma-style" cooking with an extra ingredient: simplicity. That's what makes Amish food the greatest comfort food you can ever find. 
The Amish Cook's Family Favorite Recipes Hardcover by Lovina Eicher
Amish cooking consists of fresh ingredients.

What Goes Into an Amish Meal 

Many Amish meals consist simply of locally raised meats and vegetables. Of course, they also love desserts like snitz pie (made with dried apples), apple pie, funnel cake, apple dumplings, and faschnachts (similar to donuts). Pies are also really popular, especially pumpkin pie, whoopie pie, and shoefly pie, which is made with crumb and molasses. All of which are recipes that I list here or that you can find in "TheAmish Cook's Family Favorite Recipes" by Lovina Eicher.
Cooking from Quilt Country : Hearty Recipes from Amish and Mennonite Kitchens
Amish cooking tastes delicious!

Why Amish Cooking Is so Delicious

Not all old-fashioned desserts are superior to the ones we have today nor are all modern desserts better than their predecessors. This is simply because dessert recipes vary so widely. However, in "Cooking from Quilt Country: Hearty Recipes from Amish and Mennonite Kitchens" by Marcia Adams you learn that it's possible to combine the best of both worlds. For instance, take a look at this recipe for sugar cookies, and you'll see what I mean.

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